Monday, September 20, 2010

Tumbling Toddlers

This weekend ChildReach spent an afternoon at Acrosports, a children's gym in San Francisco.  The gym is filled with trampolines, balance beams, spongy mats and padded walls, for children to bounce, run, and play to their hearts' content. Even parents joined in the fun!

Coach Jerrell helped us flip on beams, played jumbo basketball, and then tried to teach us a few break-dancing moves. I'm afraid it might take a few more visits to Acrosports to master those.

This trip was a great way for the kids and parents to have some quality time together and work on developing those ever important motor  and muscle skills.  Getting the opportunity to use their bodies and test their physical boundaries, and perhaps even their fears, was a wonderful challenge for both kids and parent to have the chance to overcome.  By getting kids involved in physical activities at such a young age, we are hoping that the kids will grow up healthy and strong with a greater passion for physical health and fitness.

Over all, it was a nice, relaxing Saturday afternoon for parents and children alike, and we're definitely looking forward to our next visit!

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