Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rock Climbing in the Presidio

Last weekend a group of kids ages 6-12 headed into the Presidio to do some indoor rock climbing at Planet Granite.  From the first minute the kids were having a great time.  They got into their harnesses and our team leaders prepared them to climb the many levels of rock walls the facility has to offer.

It was a great experience for the student's some of whom had tried indoor climbing before, but most of whom hadn't.  The kids were eager to get started, and some of them made it to the top on their first tries.

Rock climbing is an excellent activity for gaining physical strength as well as developing problem solving skills.  A climber must evaluate where to move, and how to use their bodies to stay secure and reach new heights.  The kids all seemed to pick it up quickly and spent the entire afternoon at Planet Granite climbing all the different levels of walls.  Some of the kids even tried bouldering, where you can climb low rock walls without ropes. 

After climbing we headed to the beach for a beach picnic in January!  The sun was shining, the wind wasn't blowing, and it was so warm that some of the kids even made their way into the water.  They made sand castles, new friends, and had a wonderful time being outside in nature and learning new skills. 

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