Thursday, July 28, 2011

So Far This Summer...

This summer in ChildReach has been a busy one!  We've been out and about doing cool things and enjoying the warm weather (well, trying to at least!) Here are few of the highlights from our summer around the Bay.

We've celebrated Birthdays:
Every month ChildReach hosts a birthday party for any kids who have a birthday that month.  It's a great way for families and friends to connect over good food, games and of course, cake and presents.  This summer the parties were no exception to this.  The families had a great time and we look forward to continuing this special tradition.

We had fun and ate sweets:
One of our favorite field trips has become the Jelly Belly factory tour.  Located just a short distance North of the city in Fairfield, the Jelly Belly factory is full of fun jelly bean facts and history, a working factory tour, and of course FREE SAMPLES!  We had so much fun this summer at the Jelly Belly factory that I'm sure it won't be long until we return.

Play Time for Toddlers:
Habitot in Berkely is a children's museum designed with your little guy in mind.  There was so much to do, we could hardly pull the kids away for lunch.  There was a fire engine the kids could crawl inside, a veterinary and pet washing station, a place to practice walking and tumbling, a working car wash, and much more... Both kids and parents enjoyed getting down and dirty and using their imaginations.  We staff enjoying kicking  back and watching all the action.

Live Theater:
Another Raphael House tradition is the Mountain Play.  Every year we bus up nearly 50 people to the top of Mount Tamalpais to watch a live production in their beautiful outdoor ampitheater.  This year's production was Hairspray, and it was a great hit.  The families got a chance to explore the area before the show, and watch a puppet show or take a hike, and I am still hearing stories about both...  The show itself was full of singing, dancing and fantastic costumes and hairstyles.  It was a great chance for folks to get outside, enjoy the mountain and some amazing live theater.

Art Education:
Our kids have such amazing creativity and are great artists!  We thought we'd celebrate this by partnering with JellyFish Art Gallery to participate in their Storytelling exhibit.  Families traveled to JellyFish, which is located here in San Francisco, and were able to sit with real artists and create their own amazing stories and artwork.  They were also able to experience the exhibit and discuss what the art around them meant to each of them.  Both the kids and parents had many wonderful interpretations and were able to share some great art and creativity with the entire group.

Indepence Day:

As anyone who knows Raphael House knows, we have a 4th of July picnic in Golden Gate Park every year.  Well, this year we thought we'd try something a little different.  We had an independence day celebration on our very own roof deck.  The party was a great hit, there was BBQ, games, prizes, and even our friend Uncle Sam.  We even had a family photo booth and everyone got to take home their own souvenier to remember the day by.  The day was perfect, the food was delicious, and we are all eager to do it again next year!

Overnight and Environmental Education:

Lake Tahoe:
Our annual Lake Tahoe trip is a great way for kids to connect with nature, get some sun, and enjoy being kids.  This year we were joined by a group of amazing elementary kids.  We swam and hiked during the day, cooked together in the evening, played games, and even had a talent show.  The kids had a great time out of the city and enjoying true summer weather.  All the children are waiting patiently until they can go again in the winter to see the snow. 

Teen Whitewater Rafting:
This summer we also headed to the South Fork of the American River to raft down the river.  Over the years, ChildReach has developed a great relationship with ETC (Environmental Traveling Companions) an environmental guide group who led us down the river safely.  We camped for two nights and spent three days on the river, taking nature hikes, swimming, rafting and cooking together.  This trip was a wonderful way for the group to learn new skills, challenge their fears and learn to work together as a team to reach a common goal. 

Family Kayaking:
ETC also led us on a family kayaking trip this summer in Sausalito.  That trip was another great opportunity for parents and kids to learn to better work together, communicate and appreciate nature.  We paddled out along the bay, some of us using muscles we didn't know we had, but everyone pushed themselves to make it to our destination, and all felt great afterward.  It was a lot of fun to get out on the water and also experience how connecting with nature can change your perspective on how we live our lives and what is truly important. 

Rock Climbing in the Presidio

Last weekend a group of kids ages 6-12 headed into the Presidio to do some indoor rock climbing at Planet Granite.  From the first minute the kids were having a great time.  They got into their harnesses and our team leaders prepared them to climb the many levels of rock walls the facility has to offer.

It was a great experience for the student's some of whom had tried indoor climbing before, but most of whom hadn't.  The kids were eager to get started, and some of them made it to the top on their first tries.

Rock climbing is an excellent activity for gaining physical strength as well as developing problem solving skills.  A climber must evaluate where to move, and how to use their bodies to stay secure and reach new heights.  The kids all seemed to pick it up quickly and spent the entire afternoon at Planet Granite climbing all the different levels of walls.  Some of the kids even tried bouldering, where you can climb low rock walls without ropes. 

After climbing we headed to the beach for a beach picnic in January!  The sun was shining, the wind wasn't blowing, and it was so warm that some of the kids even made their way into the water.  They made sand castles, new friends, and had a wonderful time being outside in nature and learning new skills.