Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Capuchins and Chimps and Polar Bears... Oh My!

Our family trip to the zoo couldn't have been on a more perfect Saturday. The ocean air was cool and clean by the San Francisco Zoo. For many of the children, it was their first visit to the San Francisco Zoo. From the outset, they ogled and cooed at the Zebras and Giraffes. While looking at the Chimpanzees, we couldn't miss the fact that they were so like humans. Children and mothers alike pointed out the Chimps' prerogative to bask in the sun. The one chimp that had taken enough sun in, was lying under the rafters cuddled in a blanket; many of the girls told us that he was just like their father! We were awed and impressed by how big the grizzly bears were. We were fortunate enough to view them practically nose to nose (through a thick pane of glass, of course).

When we visited the tropical house, we had to search for water turtles as they were so well-camouflaged. We did not, however, have to search for the giant anaconda they house there. The anaconda was 18 feet long and as thick as the children's waists. He (or she) was quite terrifying, especially since he was pressed against the aquarium window.

Over all, after seeing creatures like koalas, pelicans, polar bears, flamingos, and monkeys, everybody got a good sense of how diverse animals on this planet are.

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