Friday, October 15, 2010

Jelly Beans For Me Please

This weekend the ChildReach team was off to the Jelly Belly Factory in Vallejo and we had a pretty SWEET day.  The Jelly Belly Factory is a real, working factory and the tour led us through the whole place.  We saw from above all the equipment that is used to produce each little delicious jelly bean. 

We learned the history of Jelly Belly, and even how Ronald Regan loved jelly beans, and used to pass them around during meetings when he was California Governor.  He loved jelly belly so much that is was forever remembered in his very own jelly bean portrait.  
We had a great afternoon learning about how jelly beans are made.  Did you know that there are four stages to the process, and that each jelly bean is polished and stamps before leaving the factory?  The tour was a fun way to see a real factory at work.   There were conveyor belts, machines and even robots, who danced for us!  But the best part of course was the jelly beans.  The sample bar after the tour was filled with every flavor jelly bean.  Even some truly gross flavors like pencil shavings and skunk.  Ewww... 

We had a great time at the Jelly Belly Factory and look forward to our next visit!!

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